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Effects of Advertising Appeals on Children Choice of Infant Food Products in Calabar.
Dr. Ezekiel maurice Sunday , kajang Joshua Lane ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 13-21 | Views: 964 | Downloads: 263 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3445902
This paper has the objectives to determine the effects of advertising on children choice of infant food products, the awareness of mothers as major purchasers of infant food products on the effects of advertising appeals on infants in their demands and requests for infant food products, the implications of children exposure to advertising messages and the extent of efforts in bringing about positive influences on the children in the interests of advertisers and consumers. A survey design was used. The sample size was 104 pupils registered both public and private schools in Calabar municipal and south council in Calabar Cross River State. The results were very revealing as there were significant effects of advertising appeal on children (p<0.05), mothers were aware or not ignorant of advertising appeal on their children (p<0.05), children remember advertising messages faster and better than their subject lessons taught them at school, children do not know the dangers of consuming excess confectionaries (p>0.05) and there were reasons to believe that advertisers would adhere to the standard of good messages by placing warning information on the dangers of excess consumption of infant food products
Infant food, advertising media and promotion
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