Customer Satisfaction towards the Quality of Offered E-Banking Services Features: Quantitative Study on Mobile Banking Service in Egypt
Mohamed Omaia Hosseiny Abou Elseoud ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 19-29 | Views: 11 | Downloads: 3 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14765844
this quantitative research explores customer satisfaction with the quality of the mobile banking services offered in Egypt. The study evaluates the performance of the mobile banking service regarding five dimensions: reliability, usability, security, inclusivity, and responsiveness. The data was collected through an electronic five-point Likert scale questionnaire from current customers of the National Bank of Egypt (NBE), Commercial International Bank (CIB), and Banque Misr, with an age limit between 20 and 75 years old, excluding the bank’s employees and manager who have active mobile banking account. A sample size of (N=385) was calculated using Cochran’s formula for the current undetermined population. The data from the collected valid responses were then analyzed to test the research proposed hypotheses and validate the research questions. The research analysis indicated that, at a 0.05 significance level, each independent dimension of mobile banking positively influences customer satisfaction; consequently, all tested hypotheses were accepted, demonstrating that customer satisfaction is significantly affected by the quality of the mobile banking service offered.
mobile banking dimensions, reliability, usability, security, inclusivity, responsiveness, customer satisfaction, SERVQUAL.
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