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Factors Affecting The Use Of ICT In The Teaching And Learning Of Geography In The Lower Geography Curriculum In Selected Secondary Schools Of Busiika Town Council, Bamunanika County, Luweero District, Uganda


Mbabazi Janepher , Alice Merab Kagoda ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 11-29 | Views: 47 | Downloads: 17 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14267145

Volume 13 - November 2024 (11)


The specific study objectives were; to find out the current status of ICT infrastructure in the teaching and learning of Geography in selected secondary schools of Busiika Town Council, to investigate the ICT competency of teachers of Geography in the teaching and learning of Geography in selected secondary schools of Busiika Town Council and to examine the teachers of Geography’s attitude on ICT usage in the teaching and learning in selected secondary schools Busiika Town Council, Bamunanika County, Luweero District, Uganda. Data was gathered using a self-administered questionnaire on 12 respondents (students). Data was analyzed using SPSS in form of mean and standard deviation. The researcher used descriptive research design.

The study findings on objective one show that computer laboratory, internet access, ICT basics and ICT –based tools are factors affecting the teaching and learning of Geography in secondary schools of Busiika Town Council, Luweero District, Uganda. This was indicated by aggregate mean 3.7 with 0.78 standard deviation. 

Study findings on objective two show that ICT competency is a factor affecting the teaching and learning of Geography in schools of Busiika Town Council. This manifests itself in terms of teachers of Geography being able to use computer packages such as Microsoft Word, Excell, PowerPoint and internet as well. This is indicated by aggregate mean 3.9 with standard deviation of 0.706.

Study findings on objective three show that teachers of Geography’s attitude towards ICT usage affect the teaching and learning of Geography. This is seen in terms of ICT not being needed in teaching, Geography and ICT not being related, ICT being complicated and as well as bring expensive. This is indicated by aggregate mean 3.9 with standard deviation 0.82.

The researcher recommended that, government of Uganda should improve the ICT infrastructure by increasing both availability and accessibility of ICT-based tools and devices by schools all over the country; government should improve teachers’ competency and ability to use ICT. This could be in terms of on-the-job-training among others; teachers and students should develop a positive attitude towards ICT. This will make it possible and easier to apply it in the teaching and learning of Geography and further studies should be conducted on other factors affecting the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of geography in the lower geography curriculum in other secondary schools of Busiika Town Council, Bamunanika County, Luweero District, Uganda.


Teaching and Learning, Geography, Secondary Schools


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