Impact of Parents Business on Childrens Academic Achievement in the Northern Mountainous Areas of Vietnam


Phan Thi Thu Hien , Bao Khanh Vu ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 46-55 | Views: 76 | Downloads: 15 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12704866

Volume 13 - June 2024 (06)


The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of parental occupation as business owners and their educational levels on children's academic performance, particularly among students in Northern mountainous regions of Vietnam. The research involves examining and interviewing 32 households in Moc Chau District, Son La Province, and Yen Son District, Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam. Through detailed interviews with those families, we assess the perceptions of various business owners regarding the importance of education for their children. Moreover, a critical aim of this study is to estimate the influence of parental occupation, business activities, and family economic situations on the educational outcomes of children in these areas, particularly in Son La and Tuyen Quang provinces. The quantitative analysis results indicate that children from families where parents are engaged in economic activities tend to perform better at academic institutions compared to those from families solely involved in farming. Based on these findings, the study promises economic and business development recommendations for households in the northern mountainous regions of Vietnam


Parents' business, economic, children's academic, northern mountainous areas, Vietnam


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