Analyzing The Impact of Employee Engagement on Perceived Employee Performance: Role of Gender as a Moderating Variable.


Prof. Dr. Adel Zayed , Haitham Essam ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 26-33 | Views: 127 | Downloads: 45 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10906006

Volume 13 - March 2024 (03)


Purpose – The present study examines the role of gender in the relationship between employee engagement and perceived employee performance within the microfinance industry in Egypt.
Design/ methodology/ approach – The present study population embraces all employees and managers in the 10 biggest microfinance companies in Egypt. The financial regulatory authority published the key players in the microfinance sector in Egypt.  Participants were 340. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect the data. The primary data was collected and analyzed using a popular component-based model called partial least squares (PLS).
Findings- The findings clearly reveal that all explanatory employee engagement has a significant impact on perceived employee performance (in-role performance and extra-role performance). Moreover, the statistical analysis showed that neither the coefficient of gender (moderating variable) on the relationship between employee engagement and perceived employee performance (in-role performance and extra-role performance) within the Egyptian microfinance industry.
Originality/value: The study contributes to the limited empirical scholarly research, adding to a deeper understanding of the impact of employee engagement on perceived employee performance. and what is the role of gender as a moderating variable in the Egyptian microfinance industry?


Microfinance Industry in Egypt, Employee Engagement, Perceived Employee Performance, Gender.


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