Impact of COVID-19 on the Technical and Vocational Institutes (A Case Study of Pakistan TVET Institutes)


Muhammad Faheem , Dr. Asif Ali Shah ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 19-26 | Views: 57 | Downloads: 15 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12592770

Volume 13 - June 2024 (06)


After the global financial crisis of 2008, the COVID-19 is a pandemic disease that hardly affected global public health, and in Educational, Economical, business etc. 0n February 26, 2020, in Pakistan special Assistant of Prime Minister Imran Khan, confirmed 2 cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed, both Patients came from the visit of Iran, both patients belonged to Sindh, Pakistan. Due to COVID-19, all the sectors are running abnormally, especially the educational sector. Globally all the countries announced lockdowns and ordered to closed the entire Educational sector to prevent COVID-19, This research investigates  the major challenges faced by TVET institutes of Pakistan during the crises of COVID-19 and Conducted a comparative analysis on TVET institutes of Pakistan during the  COVID-19 crises. The data collected from the various reports of COVID-19 prepared by national and international agencies, regarding comparative analysis  information collected from the national website of the (National vocational and technical training commission (NAVTTC) of Pakistan and the Provincial websites of TVET authorities of (Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) on the Impact of COVID-19 crises on TVET institutes of Pakistan, Finally Conclusion and recommendations were provided to overcome the COVID-19 crises on TVET sector of Pakistan


Impact of COVID-19, TVET institutes Pakistan


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