Strategic Conflict Management in Managing Gender Diversity: A Study Of PTCL Hyderabad, Sindh (Pakistan)


Sumbal Parveen Shaikh , Ms Mahvish Khaskhely , Dr. Arifa Bano Talpur , Sonia Memon , Neel Kanwal Shaikh , Mahjabeen Panhwar ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 01-09 | Views: 613 | Downloads: 145 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5153205

Volume 10 - July 2021 (07)


The study is to look into the effect of strategic conflict management in managing gender diversity a case of PTCL (Pakistan Telecommunication Limited) in Hyderabad region. The focus of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of conflict resolution styles in organizational culture based on gender diversity. This instrument has developed five types of managing conflict, namely avoiding, integrating, obliging, compromising, and dominating, by incorporating dual dimensions, i.e., self-concern and concern for others. The compromising, obliging, and integrating approach has a positive correlation to gender diversity. All of these types increase effectiveness. To maintain a healthy relationship, organizations must find out how to remove and replace the discriminatory practices that contribute to oppression-based diversity conflict. The key findings of this study suggest that companies that encourage diversity in the workplace motivate employees to perform well. Furthermore, bias recruitment, selection, role allocation, pay, and performance are the main reasons of organizational conflict. From the above research it is concluded that Management is playing a vital role in order to decrease conflicts at workplace, properly managed conflict can improve group outcomes. When organizations apply these three styles, it will keep workers happy and motivated without having a negative effect on their performance.


Conflict management styles, Gender diversity, Employee performance, Pakistan Telecommunication Limited, Management outcomes.


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