Consideration of Future Consequences-Immediate (CFC-Immediate) and Consideration of Future Consequences-Future (CFC-Future): Overview


Thanh Long Vu , Thi Chuyen Hoang , Thi Nguyet Minh Nguyen ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 179-191 | Views: 686 | Downloads: 150 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4572820

Volume 10 - January 2021 (01)


This study investigates how a specific domain consideration of future consequences i.e., consideration of future consequences-Immediate (CFC-Immediate) and consideration of future consequences-Future (CFC-Future) asymmetrically associate and interact with perceived risk and perceived security as trade-off constructs in predicting continuance intention to use mobile commerce.


Consideration of future consequences 


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