The Effect of Social Capital, Human Capital on Social Entrepreneurial Orientation among Undergraduate Students: Entrepreneurial Awareness as a Mediator
Abdullah Ali Sallam , Shuhairimi Bin Abdullah , Abeer Mohammed Ghamdhan , Mohd Zukime Bin Mat Junoh ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 01-26 | Views: 1116 | Downloads: 299 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456754
In contemporary times, social capital and human capital have become important topics for business practitioners and academics. Because the entrepreneurship environment has become more competitive, the need to develop and improve social capital and human capital has become crucial. Despite the importance of social capital and human capital, researches linking these concepts to the social entrepreneurial orientation of students are very limited. Through an extensive literature view, this study has found a theoretical link between social capital, human capital and social entrepreneurial orientation and also developed a conceptual model for empirical validations. This study serves not only to clarify the relationships among social capital, human capital, and social entrepreneurial orientation; it also helps to explain the role that entrepreneurial awareness plays as a mediator in this relationship, which most studies have neglected. Lastly, the study contributes to the debate about whether human capital or social capital is most vital for entrepreneurs
social capital, human capital, social entrepreneurial orientation, and entrepreneurial awareness.
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