Knowledge Management Basic Concepts and Value Creation
Leila Mohammadi , Kamran Yeganegi , Roshanak Sadri ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 32-39 | Views: 852 | Downloads: 204 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456008
we are living not only in the new millennium, which is in the new age. In this period, various terms such as the post-industrial era of the Information Age, the third wave or the Knowledge Society are used to describe the current situation. Regardless of the terms, most scholars believe that one of the important issues raised in this period is the concept of knowledge management, a concept that has created excitement and contributed to a lot of debate and debate. KM is a rapidly evolving approach, and it pays great attention to the recent challenges of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of business-centric processes, along with continuous innovation. The need for knowledge management based on the growth of the perceptions of the business community comes from the fact that knowledge in enterprise performance and access to sustainable competitive advantage is considered an important element (Davenport & Grover, 2001)[1]
knowledge management; knowledge; knowledge economy; technology.
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