Effect of Murmuki (Cammiphora Myrrh) With Boiled Egg in Leucorrhea-A Case Study


Shabir Ahmad Bhat , Suhail Fatima , Paras wani , M. Shahabuddin ,

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Volume 4 - August 2015 (08)


Leucorrhoea, vaginal discharge is a universal problem of all women. Nobody escapes from this illness. It is a very common condition that has been faced by most women of all ages particularly in reproductive period. It is symptom of underlying pelvic pathology. Sometimes this symptom is so severe that it over shadow actual disease and women seek the treatment for only this    symptom. The white discharge is, however caused by the presence of infection in the genital tract and variety of other reasons. This was the case study of 39 year old female suffered from leucorrhoea treated with Murmuki (Cammiphora myrrh) along with boiled egg.


Leucorrhea, Unani medicine, Murmuki, Sailan-ur- rehm


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