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A Study on the Argentina Climate and Natural Disasters Argentina Monsoon Time Scale, Argentina National Geoscope Project Irlapatism-A New Hypothetical Model of Cosmology
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The climate of Argentina is a complex subject. Argentina has winter, spring, summer and autumn seasons. Surface and ground water resources are also available in the Argentina. Summer rains are intense and torrential rain is common.Because of its geographical characteristics, the country is exposed to natural disasters such as earth quakes, severe storms, volcanic eruptions, and climatic changes. Argentina is a country exposed to many natural disasters, it lies south of the equator making for various different weather conditions winter months consist of droughts while summer months consist of various storms and tornadoes. Due to extreme changes in climate through the year Argentina gets hit with a lot of natural disasters. Some of these natural disasters include floods, extreme temperatures, earth quakes, droughts, floods and tornados. Mining in Argentina is an important regional producer of minerals including Aluminum, lead, copper, zinc, silver and gold etc.Keeping in view of all the above facts of climate and natural hazards of the Argentina, I have conducted many comprehensive studies on the Argentina climate and natural calamities combined with my researches and proposed the Argentina Monsoon Time Scale, and Argentina National Geoscope Project Irlapatism-A New Hypothetical Model of Cosmology etc which can help to estimate the impending weather conditions and natural hazards of the country in advance to take mitigation measures and save the people, crops and other assets. For example-By setting up the Argentina National Geoscope Project and maintain, the country can be predicted the impending earthquakes,volcanic hazards(and storm surges ,tsunamis etc consequence secondary hazards due to the earthquakes occur in the womb that means underground of the sea or ocean if the country have the chances of occurring of these disasters) in advance.
By setting up the Argentina National Geoscope Project and maintain, the country can be predicted the earth’s underground resources like metallic resources such as iron, gold, silver, tin, copper, nickel, aluminum, chromium etc mine sites and non-metallic resources like sand gravel, gypsum, halite, uranium, dimension stones, etc. can be found by inserting many kinds of super high remote sensing technology in the area of sensor physics, signal processing used specially image processing , electromagnetic detection technology and geophysical deep underground detectors and mineral exploration equipments , natural gas sensors etc in the undergroung of the Argentina through the Geoscope.Setting up the Argentina National Geoscope Project and maintain will also be useful in emerging industries such as geothermal and geo-sequestration etc.
By establishing the Argentina Monsoon Time Scale and maintain , the country can be estimated the impending weather conditions and natural calamities like rains, floods, landslides, avalanches, blizzard, droughts, extreme winter conditions, heavy rainfall, mudflows, extreme weather, cyclones, cloud bursts, sand storms, hails, and winds etc in advance. Surface water resources in advance.
Argentina Monsoon Time Scale, Argentina National Geoscope Project ,IRLAPATISM-A New Hypothetical Model of Cosmology, Local Geoscope Centres, Regional Geoscope centres, Central Geoscope Centres.
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