Assessing the Usage Level of Internet Banking Among Customers of Secondi Takoradi Metropolis-Ghana


Emmanuel A. Omane , Boahen, Patience Ama Nyantakyiwaa , Felicia Koomson ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 25-36 | Views: 830 | Downloads: 201 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3441742

Volume 5 - June 2016 (06)


The emergence of internet banking has prompted banks to rethink their Information Technology (IT) strategies in order to stay competitive. Customers today are demanding much more from banking services. They want new levels of convenience and flexibility. Undoubtedly, the advantages using the Internet as a delivery channel for the banks are important, but what happens with the customers. The emergence of the Internet brought some major changes which affect the consumers. The reduction of the prices is a fact. Now the new business model is the internet enabled model i.e. Banks without any physical presence (Pureplay) and even those with physical presence use this model (Brick and Mortar) in order to reduce their operating costs whiles making high profits. It is against this backdrop that this study attempts to investigate the usage level of internet banking among customers in Secondi Takoradi Metropolis of Ghana. The study adopted descriptive survey method of research and a sample of one hundred and fifty (150) respondents were chosen for the study. The study showed that, in spite of the various challenges of internet banking, i.e. cost, security, fraud, unreliable internet connection among others, majority of respondents (customers) still prefer to use the system since their advantages far overweigh the disadvantages


Internet banking, Pureplay, Brick and Mortar, Information Technology


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