Similarity of Helicobacter pylori isolated from drinking water and peptic ulcer patients.
A.A.AL-Sulami , A.A.AL-Abdula , T.A.A.AL-Edani ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 15-21 | Views: 1059 | Downloads: 261 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3408009
In this study two stomach biopsy samples from antrum were obtained from each of 110 patients. One sample is for rapid urease test and the other for bacterial culture. The results showed that rapid urease test (RUT) was positive in 46(41.8%) cases, while in culturing method, H.pylori was isolated from 68(62%) based on oxidase, urease, catalase and Gram stain. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) of H.pylori among males and females. The highest detection rates of the bacterium , (80.76 %) was recorded in the age group 31- 40 years , while no case was recorded in the age group below 20 years. Statistically, the differences were significant (p<0.05) among these age groups. The higher percentage of resistance was against erythromycin (93%) for H.pylori isolated from biopsy and (100%) for H.pylori isolated from water, whereas the lowest percentage of resistance was against tetracycline (20%) for H.pylori isolated from biopsy and (29%) from water samples. There are no significant differences (P>0.05) between drinking water and biopsy to the antibiotics.16SrRNA PCR was used for the confirmation of isolated H.pylori . PCR results showed the presence of the 500 bp 16SrRNA sequence in 8 out of 15 tested clinical isolates. Similarity between clinical and water isolates, obtained from a previous study is indicated by RFLP using restriction enzyme (EcoRI) for whole DNA. This bears an epidemiological significance as it indicates a possible source of this pathogen outside the human stomach
Helicobacter pylori, drinking water , peptic ulcer patients
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